Frequently Asked Questions

What is the status of the Project?

The project is currently in the middle stages of Final Design.

What types of work does the project involve?

Detours will not be required on this project. Maintenance of Traffic for this project will be accomplished by the use of staged construction. This will involve the partial width construction of the proposed bridge in in Stage 1A on an alignment that is rotated and shifted to the south. This will allow for one lane of traffic in each direction to be shifted to the partially constructed new bridge in Stage 1B while demolition is taking place on the existing structure, and, finally, the remaining lanes will be constructed in Stage 2A. In Stage 2B the section will be joined into a single structure. Access will also be maintained to the NJ Transit Train Station and other adjacent locations throughout construction, with temporary pavement as required. If needed, signal timing in the intersection may be adjusted during construction to balance queuing. Traffic control updates will be posted to this web site.

How will traffic be maintained during construction? Will there be any detours?

Detours will not be required on this project.  Maintenance of Traffic for this project will be accomplished by the use of staged construction.  This will involve the partial width construction of the proposed bridge in stages on an alignment that is rotated and shifted to the south. This will allow for one lane of traffic in each direction to be shifted to the partially constructed new bridge while demolition is taking place on the existing structure, and, finally, the remaining lanes will be constructed. Access will also be maintained to the NJ Transit Train Station and other adjacent locations. If needed, signal timing in the intersection may be adjusted during construction to balance queuing. Traffic control updates will be posted to the web site.

Will there be any road closures during the project?

It is anticipated that only short term (a few hours or a weekend or overnight) closures for setting beams or switching traffic configurations will be required.  The remainder of the time at least 1 lane of traffic in each direction will be maintained.

How will the public be notified of any anticipated closures during the project?

Notices will be posted to this project website.

What is the expected duration of the Project?

The Final Design Phase of the project is expected to take approximately 12 months.  The project is expected to be put out for bid in 2020.  After a contractor is selected and given the notice to proceed, the phased construction of the project is expected to take up to two years.

What sort of public outreach will be conducted in support of the project?

Throughout the course of the project, this website will have periodic updates. The project consultants have held coordination meeting several times with stakeholder groups and those meetings will continue as necessary. A Public Official Briefing has also been conducted and a Public Information Center hosted to present the project information to the community and to receive public input. An additional Public Officials Briefing and another Public Information Center will be held in the future (date TBD). Noticed will be sent out and also posted to this website.

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